Keynote Speakers
Grady Booch (IBM Fellow) will speak about:
The Complexity of Programming Models
A considerable amount of development occurs both at the edge of systems as
well as in the spaces between systems. Building such applications requires
that the development team have in place a conceptual programming model
(encompassing all the languages and protocols against which they cut code)
as well as a very concrete one (as manifest in the semantics of the
interfaces against which they cut code). A fundamental problem for
enterprise systems - and even for embedded systems as standards mature - is
that most programming models are incredibly complex. This talk will examine
what may be done to mitigate that complexity and what role aspect-oriented
development may play.
Dave Thomas (Bedarra Research Labs, Carleton University and University of Queensland) will speak about:
Transitioning AOSD from Research Park to Main Street
AOSD is motivated by the important need to reduce the complexity observed
in numerous large programs where various concerns are tangled into code
that is difficult to comprehend hence risky to repair or enhance. The field
builds on pioneering contributions in OO including computational
reflection, role modeling, subject oriented programming, separation of
concerns and program transformation. AOSD has moved from research lab to
practical tools supporting industrially popular languages and platforms.
Recently AOSD has found early adopters in commercial application and
product development. Aspects have arrived at the brink of the chasm!
In this talk we discuss the opportunities and challenges for AOSD to cross
the chasm. What are the compelling benefits for commercial users? How does
AOSD impact the water fall or agile software process? Where do Aspects fit
in the education curricula? Where does AO belong in the tool chain and/or
runtime? What are the limitations in current theory, usability and
implementation which limit or retard their use?
Edited by the AOSD Conference Committee. Send comments to: webmaster