The AOSD tutorial program covers the state of the art in
aspect-oriented software development and aspect-oriented programming,
with topics of interest to both beginning and advanced
participants. This year's tutorials include introductions to leading
aspect-oriented languages and middleware; presentations on using
aspects in the enterprise and integrating aspects with existing
business software; and forward-looking discussions of emerging best
practices and the future of aspect-oriented technologies. Whatever
your interest and level of experience, there are tutorials for you!
If you have any questions about the tutorials, please contact the AOSD.05
Tutorial Co-Chairs at tutorials aosd.net.
Monday, March 14, 2005 |
Morning 09:00--12:30 |
T1: |
abc : A Workbench for Aspect-Oriented Programming Language Research (Advanced)
Oege de Moor, Oxford University
Laurie Hendren, McGill University
T2: |
Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectJ (1) : Introduction (Introductory)
Julie Waterhouse, IBM
Mik Kersten, University of British Columbia
Afternoon 14:00--17:30 |
T3: |
Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectJ (2) : Hands-on Session (Intermediate)
Julie Waterhouse, IBM
Mik Kersten, University of British Columbia
T4: |
Practical Aspect-Oriented Programming with JBoss: The Case For Aspects (Introductory)
Bill Burke, JBoss Group LLC
T5: |
Why Should Aspect Enthusiasts Care About Software Architecture? (Advanced)
Linda Northrop, Carnegie Mellon University
Paul Clements, Carnegie Mellon University
Tuesday, March 15, 2005 |
Morning 09:00--12:30 |
T6: |
Enterprise Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectJ (Intermediate)
Ron Bodkin, New Aspects of Software
Nicholas Lesiecki, VMS
T7: |
Feature Oriented Programming (Advanced)
Don Batory, University of Texas at Austin
Afternoon 14:00--17:30 |
T8: |
Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectWerkz (cancelled)
T9: |
Aspect-Oriented Programming with C++ and AspectC++ (Introductory)
Olaf Spinczyk, Friedrich-Alexander-University
Daniel Lohmann, Friedrich-Alexander-University
T10: |
Aspect-Oriented Refactoring: Taking Refactoring to a New Level (Intermediate)
Ramnivas Laddad
Edited by the AOSD Conference Committee. Send comments to: webmaster aosd.net