Help Publicize AOSD.07
Feel free to copy and paste the following html snippets to use in your website.
AOSD.07 Logo
If you want to use this logo on your website, copy and paste the following HTML into your web-page: |
<a href="http://aosd.net/conference" target="_blank">
<img src="http://aosd.net/2007/img/AOSD.07_Logo.gif"
border="0" alt="AOSD.07 March 12-16: Vancouver, British Columbia"
AOSD.07 Button
If you want to use this button on your website, copy and paste the following HTML into your web-page: |
<a href="http://aosd.net/conference" target="_blank">
<img src="http://aosd.net/2007/publicity/AOSD.07_Button.jpg"
border="0" alt="AOSD.07 March 12-16: Vancouver, British Columbia"
AOSD.07 Research Call for Contributions
This handout advertises the research track's call for contributions. You are welcome to print it out and use it to promote AOSD.07. |
AOSD.07 Handout
This handout advertises the conference. You are welcome to print it out and use it to promote AOSD.07. |
Edited by the AOSD Conference Committee. Send comments to: webmaster aosd.net