Demo Program Overview
March 17
08:00 am
08:45 am
09:00 am
Keynote 1
10:30 am
Coffee Break
12:30 pm
14:00 pm
Demo 1 — Room: VAUBAN 1:
  • Aspect-Oriented Modeling to Support Dynamic Adaptation.
    Brice Morin, Franck Fleurey, Olivier Barais, and Jean-Marc Jézéquel

  • Efficient Dynamic Analysis Tools: AOP Meets Multicore.
    Walter Binder, Danilo Ansaloni, Philippe Moret, and Alex Villazon

  • AspectKE*: Security Aspects with Program Analysis for Distributed Systems.
    Fan Yang, Hidehiko Masuharab, Tomoyuki Aotanib, Flemming Nielsona, Hanne Riis Nielsona


Demo 2 — Room: VAUBAN 2:
  • Building and Composing your own Composition Operators with Co-op.
    Lodewijk Bergmans, Wilke Havinga, Christoph Bockisch, Mehmet Aksit

  • Introduction to Ptolemy and its Development Environment.
    Hridesh Rajan, Mehdi Bagherzadeh

  • Taming Orchestration Design Complexity through the Adore Framework.
    Sebastien Mosser, Mireille Blay–Fornarino

15:30 pm
Coffee Break
17:30 pm
18:00 pm
March 18
08:30 am
09:00 am
Keynote 2
10:00 am
Coffee Break
10:30 am
Demo 3 — Room: VAUBAN 1:
  • AspectFX: A framework for supporting collaborative works in RIA by aspect-oriented approach.
    Hiroaki Fukuda

  • AspectScript: Expressive Aspects for the Web.
    Paul Leger Rodolfo Toledo Éric Tanter

  • A Practical Aspect-Oriented JavaScript Programming Framework Based on a Proxy Mechanism.
    Akira Ohashi, Shinichi Murakami, Atsuto Kubo, Hironori Washizaki, Tomohiko Mizumachi


Demo 4 — Room: VAUBAN 2:
  • Taming Orchestration Design Complexity through the Adore Framework.
    Sebastien Mosser, Mireille Blay–Fornarino

  • AspectMaps: A Scalable Visualization of Join Point Shadows.
    Johan Fabry

  • Introduction to Ptolemy and its Development Environment.
    Hridesh Rajan, Mehdi Bagherzadeh

12:00 pm
13:30 pm
Demo 5 — Room: VAUBAN 1:
  • AspectMaps: A Scalable Visualization of Join Point Shadows.
    Johan Fabry

  • AspectKE*: Security Aspects with Program Analysis for Distributed Systems.
    Fan Yang, Hidehiko Masuharab, Tomoyuki Aotanib, Flemming Nielsona, Hanne Riis Nielsona

  • Efficient Dynamic Analysis Tools: AOP Meets Multicores.
    Walter Binder, Danilo Ansaloni, Philippe Moret, and Alex Villazon

15:00 pm
visit to Mont Saint Michel
??:?? pm
Conference banquet
March 19
09:00 am
09:30 am
Keynote 3
10:30 am
Coffee Break
11:00 am
Demo 6 — Room: VAUBAN 1:
  • Building and Composing your own Composition Operators with Co-op.
    Lodewijk Bergmans, Wilke Havinga, Christoph Bockisch, Mehmet Aksit

  • AspectFX: A framework for supporting collaborative works in RIA by aspect-oriented approach.
    Hiroaki Fukuda

Demo 7 — Room: VAUBAN 2:
  • Aspect-Oriented Modeling to Support Dynamic Adaptation?.
    Brice Morin, Franck Fleurey, Olivier Barais, and Jean-Marc Jézéquel

  • A Practical Aspect-Oriented JavaScript Programming Framework Based on a Proxy Mechanism.
    Akira Ohashi, Shinichi Murakami, Atsuto Kubo, Hironori Washizaki, Tomohiko Mizumachi

12:30 pm