Programme of the Spring School
Important Data
Spring School Extended abstract submission:
Monday, March 1st, 2010
School date:
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Participation/Submission Guidelines
In order to participate in the Spring School, please submit a two page extended abstract of your research. This overview of your work will be used for both student acceptance and for feedback to you by the topic experts during the Research Publication and Dissemination workshop. This same piece will also be passed on to the experts on the Project Collaboration event. Note, submission of an extended abstract is a pre-requisite for attending the Spring School.

This overview should include:

  • Your research hypothesis - this is a statement of the problem which you are going to address in your work. Note that for beginning researchers this statement can be rather vague and broad, whereas for students nearing the deadline of their thesis this is probably a very precise and concrete statement.
  • Ideas on how you will evaluate your hypothesis (if this has been decided. A set of valuable references for your evaluation work could be found at Student Forum of AOSD.2009).
  • A list of the contributions you (expect to) make.
  • Your three main important question, worries, pitfalls.
How to submit
Email your submission to the Student Event Chair (Ruzanna Chitchyan) at students at The Student Events Chair will confirm receipt of the submission.
Programme of the Spring School
The spring school program is available Here
Workshop on What Works for You?
This workshop is an opportunity for participants to review their career planning. Participants will:
  • Reflect on their career to date and discover what motivates them;
  • Recognise the transferrable nature of the wide range of skills they already have;
  • Identify practical actions to help them move forward.
Successful Academic
Two speakers will discuss their perspectives on what is required for a successful academic career and how to arrive there.
Spring School Location
HOTEL IBIS RENNES CENTRE GARE SUD — reservations and how to get
15 rue de Châtillon 35000 RENNES
tél :
fax :
Visitez notre hôtel : Ibis Rennes Centre Gare Sud
Se Garer : ou
Visitez notre ville : Rennes et sa région
Localisation GPS : Longitude : -1.673493 Latitude : 48.102241


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