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Workshops provide a highly interactive and collaborative setting where people can combine forces to identify, exchange, plan and elaborate emerging ideas, high-quality research, cutting-edge practices and other efforts. The successful workshops at last year’s conference and the numerous past workshops at prominent international conferences show that this productive and collaborative climate is a hallmark of Aspect-Oriented Software Development.

Participation in workshops is by invitation only. Typically, to attend a workshop, a prospective participant must submit a short paper describing the participant's work or opinions in the subject area of the workshop. Please check the Web sites of the individual workshops for details about workshop format and participation criteria. Workshop participants are required to register for the AOSD.05 conference.

If you have questions about the workshops, please contact either the workshop organizers listed below or the AOSD.05 Workshop Co-Chairs at

Monday, March 14, 2005
9:00 - 17:30

ACP4IS: Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software
Yvonne Coady, University of Victoria
Eric Eide, University of Utah
David H. Lorenz, Northeastern University
Olaf Spinczyk, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
AOM: Aspect-Oriented Modeling
Mohamed Kandé, Condris Technologies
Dominik Stein, University of Duisburg-Essen
Omar Aldawud, Illinois Institute of Technology
Tzilla Elrad, Illinois Institute of Technology
Jeff Gray, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Jörg Kienzle, McGill University
FOAL: Foundations Of Aspect-Oriented Languages
Gary T. Leavens, Iowa State University
Curtis Clifton, Iowa State University
Ralf Lämmel, Vrije Universiteit and CWI
LATE: Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution
Tom Tourwé, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica
Andy Kellens, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Mariano Ceccato, ITC-irst
David Shepherd, University of Delaware

Tuesday, March 15, 2005
9:00 - 17:30

DAW: Dynamic Aspects Workshop
Robert Filman, NASA Ames Research Center
Michael Haupt, Darmstadt University of Technology
Robert Hirschfeld, DoCoMo Euro-Labs
EA: Early Aspects: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design
Paul Clements, Carnegie Mellon University
Awais Rashid, Lancaster University
Elisa Baniassad, Trinity College
Bedir Tekinerdogan, University of Twente
Ana Moreira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
João Araújo, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
SPLAT: Software Engineering Properties of Languages and Aspect Technologies
Lodewijk Bergmans, University of Twente
Kris Gybels, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Peri Tarr, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
Erik Ernst, University of Aarhus
WTAOP: Workshop on Testing Aspect-Oriented Programs
Roger T. Alexander, Colorado State University
Anneliese A. Andrews, Washington State University

Edited by the AOSD Conference Committee.  Send comments to: