Industry Track
The Industry track proceedings are available in the archives. Please use the following to cite the proceedings:
Matt Chapman, Alexandre Vasseur, Günter Kniesel (Eds.):
"AOSD 2006 - Industry Track Proceedings". Technical Report
IAI-TR-2006-3, ISSN 0944-8535, Computer Science Department III,
University of Bonn, March 2006.
I1 |
Improving the Performance of Database Applications with Aspect-Oriented
Programming, Wednesday 11:00-11:30
Uwe Hohenstein, Siemens, Germany |
I2 |
Using Aspects with Object-Oriented Frameworks, Wednesday 11:30-12:00
Michael Mortensen, Hewlett-Packard, United States
Sudipto Ghosh, Colorado State University, United States |
I3 |
Use of AOP in J2EE application performance monitoring, Wednesday 12:00-12:30
Srinivas Narayanan, Tavant Technologies, United States
Kamal Govindraj, Tavant Technologies, India
Binil Thomas, Tavant Technologies, India
Prashant Nair, Tavant Technologies, India
Subin P, Tavant Technologies, India
I4 |
The Challenges of Writing Reusable and Portable Aspects in AspectJ:
Lessons from Contrac4J, Wednesday 14:00-14:30
Dean Wampler, Aspect Research Associates, United States |
I5 |
Java Virtual Machine support for Aspect-Oriented Programming, Wednesday 14:30-15:30
Alexandre Vasseur, BEA, France
Joakim Dahlstedt, BEA, Sweden
Jonas Bonér,
Terracotta Inc, United States |
I6 |
Lessons learned building tool support for AspectJ, Wednesday 16:00-16:30
Andy Clement, IBM, United Kingdom
Mik Kersten, University of British Columbia, Canada
Matt Chapman, IBM, United Kingdom
Adrian Colyer, Interface21, United Kingdom |
I7 |
Gathering Feedback on User Behaviour using AspectJ, Wednesday 16:30-17:30
Ron Bodkin, New Aspects of Software, United States
Jason Furlong,
New Aspects of Software, United States |
I8 |
Analysing AOP Adoption in Industry, Thursday 10:30-11:30
Rob Harrop, Interface21, United Kingdom |
I9 |
Implementation of AOP in non-academic projects, Thursday 11:30-12:00
Allison Duck, Business Objects, Canada |
Edited by the AOSD Conference Committee. Send comments to: webmaster