D7: Context Aspect-Sensitive Service Container
Thomas Cottenier, Illinois Institute of Technology
Tzilla Elrad, Illinois Institute of Technology
Andrew Prunicki, Illinois Institute of Technology
Wednesday, March 16, 14:00
Thursday, March 17, 14:00
Many of the shortcomings of current Web Service composition mechanisms stem from
the difficulty of defining, modularizing and managing service behavior that is
dependent on the context of service invocation.
The Contextual Aspect-Sensitive Service (CASS) model proposes a novel service
composition methodology, based on dynamic service refinement through contextual
aspect weaving. Contextual aspects encapsulate the distributed structure and the
collaborative behavior of composite web services, as well as invocation context
dependent behavior.
The CASS container avoids the need for a centralized orchestration engine and
enables on-demand service instance customization. Its service collaboration-
based specification language offers a powerful alternative to static and
centralized business process specification languages.
This demonstration highlights the capability of the CASS container to
instantiate distributed contextual aspects on-the-fly. First, the demonstration
shows how service orchestration structure and dynamic behavior are expressed in
the CASS specification. Second, the context- dependent service refinement
capability is illustrated by a highly dynamic search engine application in which
service orchestration is dynamically reconfigured according to the client
context. Finally, the demonstration points out the more advanced capabilities of
the CASS model and tools and shows how complex service interaction patterns such
as mobile agent-based behavior are implemented and specified in the container.
Edited by the AOSD Conference Committee. Send comments to: webmaster