
The Keynote schedule can be found here.

Daniel Wiese, Regine Meunier


Title of Talk:

Large Scale Application for AOP in the Health Care Domain: A Case Study

Abstract of Talk:

The aim of this talk is twofold: On one hand the process is described how AOP was successfully established in a large enterprise project. Organizational and infrastructure issues are taken into account. On the other hand some aspects that are especially helpful for agile development in large scale projects are technically presented. The project has around ~400 developers located in 4 different countries. The developed product is used across the entire Healthcare Domain, including chains of hospitals with strong safety requirements for avoiding potential software bugs and for hazard mitigation.

Short Biography:

Daniel Wiese works as Software architect at Siemens Medical Solutions (USA). He is responsible for the design SOARIAN, a hospital information system which provides access to patient data like medical results, medication, prescriptions and lab results to health professionals. His main focus is to drive architectural/technical items which significantly impact the entire product.

Previously, Daniel worked for Siemens Corporate Research & Technology (Germany). He has more than 6 years experience building large-scale software systems, especially for enterprise systems (J2EE). His work focuses on Distributed Systems, Object-Oriented middleware, Web Technologies, Software Architecture, Component Technology, as well as Software Engineering.

He has contributed to AOSD community since 2005. He has delivered talks and papers ranging form Aspect languages to industrial AOP adoption.

Regine Meunier works as research scientist and software engineer at Siemens AG, Corporate Research & Technology (CT), in Germany. She is responsible for leading the activities concerning Aspect Oriented Software Development at CT. Other areas of expertise are Software Patterns and Service-Oriented Architecture.

She is active in the AOSD community since 2003. Her work comprises cooperation with partners in the EC funded project AOSD Europe, consulting for industrial projects within Siemens and contributions to the community by several talks and papers.

Gul Agha

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Short Biography:

Gul Agha is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Agha's research interests are broad, with publications in formal methods, programming language design, compilers and runtime systems, distributed computing, real-time systems, software engineering, and sensor networks, but he is best known for his development of the Actor Model.  Dr. Agha served as the Editor-in-Chief IEEE Concurrency: Parallel, Distributed and Mobile Computing (1994-98) and of ACM Computing Surveys (1999-2007).  Dr. Agha is a Fellow of the IEEE.  He has served on the Publications Board and the Fellows Committee of the IEEE Computer Society and is currently a member of the ACM Publications Board.

Title of Talk:

Time, Chance and Change: Aspects, Middleware and Reflection in Pervasive Cyberspace

Abstract of Talk:

We are evolving to a web of computers and intelligent devices (things with sensors, actuators and embedded computers).  In order to effectively use the resulting Pervasive Cyberspace, software must address aspects such as mobility, timing, coordination, and accuracy in an ever changing concurrent and distributed environment. I will illustrate aspects for pervasive cyberspace using two examples in particular: global function evaluation and distributed monitoring. I will then describe how aspect-oriented programming, middleware and computational reflection may provide useful concepts for addressing the problem of programming pervasive cyberspace.  I will conclude by discussing the limitations of the current models of these programming paradigms and positing open research questions.

Philip Wadler

University of Edinburgh, UK

Short Biography:

Philip Wadler is Professor of Theoretical Computer Science at the University of Edinburgh. He holds a Royal Society-Wolfson Research Merit Fellowship, is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and is an ACM Fellow. Previously, he worked or studied at Avaya Labs, Bell Labs, Glasgow, Chalmers, Oxford, CMU, Xerox Parc, and Stanford, and visited as a guest professor in Paris, Sydney, and Copenhagen. He appears at position 70 on Citeseer's list of most-cited authors in computer science and is a winner of the POPL Most Influential Paper Award. He contributed to the designs of Haskell, Java, and XQuery, and is a co-author of XQuery from the Experts (Addison Wesley, 2004) and Generics and Collections in Java (O'Reilly, 2006). He has delivered invited talks in locations ranging from Aizu to Zurich.

Title of Talk:

Well-typed programs can't be blamed

Abstract of talk:

We show how contracts with blame fit naturally with recent work on hybrid types and gradual types. Unlike hybrid types or gradual types, we require casts in the source code, in order to indicate where type errors may occur. Two (perhaps surprising) aspects of our approach are that refined types can provide useful static guarantees even in the absence of a theorem prover, and that type dynamic should not be regarded as a supertype of all other types. We factor the well-known notion of subtyping into new notions of positive and negative subtyping, and use these to characterise where positive and negative blame may arise. Our approach sharpens and clarifies some recent results in the literature.



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