March 17
09:00 am
Keynote 1 — Room: MAUPERTUIS
Rod Johnson, AOP in the wild: Killer applications and why AOP is perfect for the cloud.
11:00 am
Session 1: Applications 1 — Room: MAUPERTUIS
Danilo Ansaloni, Alex Villazon, Walter Binder, Philippe Moret, Parallel Dynamic Analysis on Multicores with Aspect-Oriented Programming.
Rodolfo Toledo, Paul Leger, Éric Tanter, AspectScript: Expressive Aspects for the Web.
Eli Tilevich, Myoungkyu Song, Reusable Enterprise Metadata with Pattern-Based Structural Expressions.
14:00 pm
Session 2: Languages and implementation — Room: MAUPERTUIS
Éric Tanter, Execution Levels for Aspect-Oriented Programming.
Tom Dinkelaker, Michael Eichberg, Mira Mezini, An Architecture for Composing Embedded Domain-Specific Languages.
Bryan Chadwick, Karl Lieberherr, Weaving Generic Programming and Traversal Performance.
16:00 pm
Session 3: Managing models and code — Room: MAUPERTUIS
Kleinner Farias, Alessandro Garcia, Jon Whittle, Assessing the Impact of Aspects on Model Composition Effort.
Aram Hovsepyan, Riccardo Scandariato, Stefan Van Baelen, Yolande Berbers, Wouter Joosen, From Aspect-Oriented Models to Aspect-Oriented Code? The Maintenance Perspective.
Michihiro Horie, Shigeru Chiba, Tool support for crosscutting concerns of API documentation.
Research projects solution
March 18
09:00 am
Keynote 2 — Room: MAUPERTUIS
Martin Odersky, Redesigning Scala's Collections A Case Study in Abstraction and Modularity.
10:30 am
Session 4: Foundations — Room: MAUPERTUIS
Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira, Tom Schrijvers, William R. Cook, EffectiveAdvice: Disciplined Advice with Explicit Effects.
Hidehiko Masuhara, Atsushi Igarashi, Manabu Toyama, Type Relaxed Weaving.
Nicolas Tabareau, A theory of distributed aspects.
13:30 pm
Session 5: Composition — Room: MAUPERTUIS
Wilke Havinga, Lodewijk Bergmans, Mehmet Aksit, A Model for Composable Composition Operators.
Antoine Marot, Roel Wuyts, Composing Aspects with Aspects.
Nicolas Palix, Julia Lawall, Gilles Muller, Tracking Code Patterns over Multiple Software Versions with Herodotos.
15:00 pm
visit to Mont Saint Michel
20:00 pm
Conference banquet
March 19
09:30 am
Keynote 3 — Room: MAUPERTUIS
Martin Rinard, Sociological Aspects of Aspect-Oriented Programming.
11:00 am
Session 6: Applications
Toheed Aslam, Jesse Doherty, Anton Dubrau, Laurie Hendren, AspectMatlab: An Aspect-Oriented Scientific Programming Language.
Micah Jones, Kevin W. Hamlen, Disambiguating Aspect-Oriented Security Policies.
Wouter De Borger, Bart De Win, Bert Lagaisse, Wouter Joosen, A Permission System for Secure AOP.