D1: AJDT with AspectJ5: New Features
Wednesday 11:00-11:40 & Thursday 14:50-15:30
The AspectJ Development Tools for Eclipse project (AJDT) aims to provide
first class tooling for developing applications with AspectJ. In addition to
IDE support on a par with Eclipse's Java Development Tools, AJDT provides
sophisticated tools for visualizing and navigating the crosscutting nature
of your aspect-oriented applications.
AspectJ has recently been upgraded in all areas to support the Java5
language (generics, annotations, etc). It also now supports the @AJ style
syntax for developing aspect-oriented applications in pure Java. During
this session we'll explore these new language features and look at how
they surface in AJDT. We'll also take a look at the latest features of
AJDT itself, including new views like the crosscutting comparisons view
and the new launch mechanism created to properly exploit AspectJ
loadtime weaving.
- Andy Clement (IBM Hursley, UK)
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