D4: Weaving language-independent aspects in Compose*
Wednesday 11:50-12:30 & Thursday 15:45-16:25
The Composition Filters model is a language-independent model for enhancing object-based programs with improved aspect-oriented and composition capabilities. Among several other goals, such as robustness and composability, the notion of implementation-independence is an important feature: in most medium to large organisations, a wide range of programming languages and platforms are in use, either within single applications, or in different applications that must be integrated. In this demo we will focus on these issues, both from the perspective of (aspect) language design, and from the perspective of architecture design of an aspect weaver toolset.
During the demo we will show:
- How to write aspects that are independent of the implementation language(s) of the base program.
- How to extend the interfaces of the base language classes through introductions, such that these interfaces can actually be called within the application.
- The repository-based architecture that supports multi-platform implementations with the largest possible shared code base.
- How the compiler architecture was made incremental by exploiting the repository-based architecture.
- Lodewijk Bergmans (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
- Pascal Dürr (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
- Mehmet Aksit (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
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