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D2: Developing Embedded Software Product Lines with AspectC++

Wednesday 11:50-12:30 & Friday 9:20-10:00


AspectC++ is a general purpose aspect-oriented language extension to C++. It is aimed to bring fully-fledged AOP support in areas with strong demands on runtime efficiency and code density. This makes it possible to exploit the power of AOP for the domain of (deeply) embedded systems, where computation speed and available memory resources are strictly limited. AOP concepts are particularly useful for the development of scalable embedded system product lines. This will be demonstrated by a real world example: a small embedded device equipped with meteorological sensors and an 8-bit micro-controller running AspectC++ code. By covering the complete build cycle of configuration, compilation and installation, participants will understand, how easy it is to integrate AspectC++ with an existing tool chain. A presentation of the AspectC++ Add-Ins for common IDEs, like Eclipse and Visual Studio, rounds up the demonstration and shows that mature tool support for programming in AspectC++ is now available.


  • Olaf Spinczyk (Friedrich-Alexander University, Germany)
  • Daniel Lohmann (Friedrich-Alexander University, Germany)

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