D17: Glassbox: Performance monitoring & troubleshooting using AspectJ and JMX
Thursday 14:00-14:40 & Friday 11:20-12:00
The Glassbox Inspector uses AspectJ and JMX to create a flexible, aspect-oriented monitoring infrastructure. It provides correlated information that helps you identify specific problems but with low enough overhead to be used in production environments. It lets you capture statistics such as total counts, total time, and worst-case performance for requests, and it will also let you drill down within requests to track processing and use of resources such as databases. This system leverages advances in AspectJ and Java to concisely and consistently provide information. In this session, we demonstrate the Glassbox Inspector, the Glassbox Insight product that builds on it, and review how they work.
This session looks at:
- Tracking incoming requests from Web applications including MVC frameworks like Spring and Struts, and for provided services
- Monitoring the performance of resources such as database or remote services that are by an application
- Monitoring internal XML processing usage
- Enabling and disabling monitors at runtime
- Using AOP for performance tuning
- Measurements of the overhead of using AOP
- Scaling up to larger-scale architectures with AOP, including using AspectJ 5 for load-time weaving
- The process and lessons learned from building a real-world AOP monitoring system
- Ron Bodkin (New Aspects of Software, USA)
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Edited by the AOSD Conference Committee. Send comments to: webmaster aosd.net