D3: AOP-Migrator: From Objects to Aspects
Wednesday 11:00-11:40& Friday 11:20-12:00
AOP Migrator is a tool that supports the semiautomatic migration of a system written in Java into a system written in AspectJ. After using the tool, the portions of code belonging to the crosscutting concerns are removed from the principal decomposition and moved to proper aspects. A collection of refactorings have been integrated into the tool to support users by automating the mechanics of the refactorings.
The demo will show how the tool can be used to mark the portions of source code that belong to the crosscutting concern. The tool will then prompt the developer with the set of applicable refactorings for each piece of marked code and will move it to the corresponding aspect. Attendees will understand when and how the migration process requires human intervention.
- Mariano Ceccato (ITC-irst, Italy)
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Edited by the AOSD Conference Committee. Send comments to: webmaster aosd.net