D5: NDAC++ for Network Aspects
Wednesday 14:00-14:40 & Thursday 16:30-17:10
Current Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) research addresses program modularity and adaptability from an individual application perspective. This limits the application's capability to adapt to different network settings and policies. Network Dynamic Aspect C++ (NDAC++) extends the join points expressiveness to enable dynamic network aspects. Extension includes two new dimensions: Network dimension and host applications dimension. NDAC++ can weave an aspect at different network levels: entire network, a group of network hosts, individual host and other combinations. In addition, NDAC++ can weave an aspect across multiple applications inside the same host. This frees developers form re-implementing many program functionalities for different applications. Also, it allows developers to define an aspect for concerns that crosscut multiple applications. Overall, NDAC++ allows the representation of organizations' policies and rules as aspects that can evolve and change at runtime.
- Sufyan Almajali (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
- Tzilla Elrad (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
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