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T7 : Getting to grips with AspectJ5

Date Tuesday, March 21, 2006 afternoon (half day)
Presenters Andrew Clement, IBM
Level Advanced: Java programming and basic AspectJ experience. Laptops should be brought along by those wishing to participate in the hands-on exercises. Install images for AJDT will be provided but attendees
should ensure they have at least a 1.5 JVM installed on their machine.


Think you know AspectJ? AspectJ5 includes a host of new features including support for all the Java 5 language constructs like enums, annotations, generics and co-variance. It also supports a new instantiation model (pertypewithin), a new annotation style syntax for defining aspects and enhanced load time weaving support. This tutorial is for existing Java programmers with some basic AspectJ experience and will build on that knowledge by describing the new features of the Java language introduced in Java5 and how they are integrated into AspectJ5. We will cover features including: how autoboxing affects pointcut matching, pointcut matching and binding based on annotations, developing generic aspects, using generic intertype declarations and how to use pertypewithin. We will spend some time looking at the kinds of problems that can now neatly be solved using these new capabilities and then attendees will be able to come to grips with these features by working on exercises with AspectJ5 in the Eclipse AspectJ Development Tools (AJDT).


Andy Clement is a senior software developer at IBM's Laboratory at Hursley Park, a committer on the AspectJ project, and co-founder of the AJDT project. He is involved in the use of aspects in J2EE middleware and has presented and taught many AOP sessions at conferences like AOSD, EclipseCon and OOPSLA.

Teaching Experience: Andy has taught AspectJ tutorials at EclipseCon and AOSD in previous years.

Edited by the AOSD Conference Committee.  Send comments to: