The 8th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD.09)
March 2-6, 2009
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Held at the University of Virginia

Conference Home

Help Publicize AOSD.09

AOSD.09 'October Call' Flyer

This handout advertises the AOSD.09 conference containing information about Workshops at AOSD.09. You are welcome to print it out and use it to promote AOSD.09.

PDF  AOSD.09 "October Call" Flyer

AOSD 'First Call' Flyer

This handout advertises the AOSD.09 conference containing the Call for Contributions. You are welcome to print it out and use it to promote AOSD.09.

PDF  AOSD.09 "First Call" Flyer


The conference logo. You are welcome to put this anywhere you like to promote AOSD.09.

JPEG  AOSD.09 Logo with dates and location (477 x 257 pixels)

JPEG  AOSD.09 Logo (477 x 209 pixels)

JPEG  AOSD.09 Logo (348 x 145 pixels)