Thursday, March 24th 5:00pm - 7:00pm | Room: Caboclinhos
The Retrospective is aimed at historical and conceptual knowledge and understanding, and new and different perspectives. The idea is for us to become smart(er) about the ideas and to thereby move forward.
During this session we'll work off a timeline designed to help us reflect on and discuss the concepts, papers, events, trends, people, technology, and thinking leading up to our current ideas about modularity. The timeline will consist of stickies, each a précis of a short remark, explanation, story, or bibliographic reference; as we move from the ancient past toward the present day, people who posted stickies will come up and briefly explain or tell the story behind them. We are interested in personal perspectives, not necessarily in reaching consensus in all matters; any and all disputes that come up will be handled suavely.
The timeline is already being constructed by a constantly expanding circle of people, starting with the founders of the field of aspect-oriented software development and moving out into the community as a whole at the conference. Instructions for how you can participate will be posted here and at the conference, but for now, start thinking about what you want to contribute. Your stickie can represent a reference to be called out, a (short) description of a concept, an event to be remembered, or a (very short) story you want to tell that is related to the history and future of the concept of modularity.