Industry track
Practitioner Report: Applying AspectJ to J2EE Application Development
Thursday, March 17, 12:00 pm
Nicholas Lesiecki, VMS, Coauthor Mastering AspectJ
This report focuses on the
application of AspectJ to the development of a J2EE web application for Video
Monitoring Services of America (VMS). Aspects were used to cleanly modularize
concerns ranging in scope from auxiliary (error-handling) to
application-specific (shopping basket price calculation) to framework-level
(object relationship management). VMS saw benefits resulting from the
aspect-oriented implementation of these concerns in the areas of code size,
understandability, and reduced defects. This report will detail specific areas
to which AspectJ was applied, the development team's reaction to the new
technology, strategies employed to ease adoption, and some of the pitfalls
encountered when using the development tools.
Click here for the slides: Applying-Aspectj.pdf
Edited by the AOSD Conference Committee. Send comments to: webmaster