Industry track
Invited Talk: What's new in AspectJ 5
Wednesday, March 16, 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Jonas Bonér, BEA Systems, AspectWerkz founder
Adrian Colyer, IBM, AspectJ and AJDT project leader
The AspectJ and AspectWerkz teams recently announced that they would be
joining forces to work on the development of "AspectJ 5", the forthcoming
AspectJ release. This release will contain support for the Java language
features introduced by Java 5, an annotation-based development style, and
enhanced load-time weaving support. In this session Adrian and Jonas will give
an overview and demonstration of these new features and explain how existing
users of AspectJ and AspectWerkz can take advantage of them.
Click here for the slides: AspectJ5.pdf
Edited by the AOSD Conference Committee. Send comments to: webmaster