Industry track
Invited Talk: AOP in Spring
Thursday, March 17, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Rob Harrop, Principal, Interface21
Adrian Colyer, IBM, AspectJ and AJDT projects
This talk gives a brief introduction to the Spring lightweight
and its support for dependency injection. Spring's approach to AOP will
presented, along with examples of some of the aspects that come
pre-packaged with Spring. Spring also integrates well with AspectJ, and
examples will be given of how to configure and use AspectJ aspects with
Spring, We will discuss when it is appropriate to use Spring's AOP
framework, and when to use AspectJ aspects. The talk will conclude with
look at some ongoing developments to make the use of both Spring AOP
aspects and AspectJ aspects as seamless as possible in the Spring
Click here for the slides: SpringAspectJ.pdf
Edited by the AOSD Conference Committee. Send comments to: webmaster