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D16: FINT: Tool support for automatic identification of crosscutting concern seeds

Thursday 11:20-12:00 & Friday 11:20-12:00


FINT is a tool aimed at supporting the automatic identification of crosscutting concern seeds based on structural relationships in the source code, namely references to program elements. It relies on the observation that scattered references that determine a high fan-in metric for a module are good indicators of crosscutting functionality.

FINT is implemented as an Eclipse plug-in. The tool generates a set of candidate seeds based on the fan-in metric and assists the user through a seed exploration view in analyzing and extracting seeds from this set. Additional features allow for seeds management and persistence over work sessions. The tool has been used to analyze three open-source Java systems: PETSTORE, JHOTDRAW and TOMCAT.


  • Marius Marin (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
  • Arie van Deursen (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
  • Leon Moonen (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)

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