Technical Track and Industry Track: AOSD 2008

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008


Invited Talk by Daniel Wiese (Siemens) Large Scale Application fo AOP in the Health Care Domain: A Case Study

10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK


Technical Paper Session:

Aspects and Generative Programming

Aspect Oriented Test Case Instantiation, by Benz
Program, Enhance Thyself! – Demand-Driven Pattern-Oriented Program Enhancement via Generative Aspects, by Tilevich, Back
Modularity First: A Case for Mixing AOP and Attribute Grammars, by Avgustinov, Ekman, Tibble


Industry Paper Session:

Adopting AOSD

Adopting AOSD in business application engineering, by C. Pohl, A. Charfi, W. Gilani, S. Göbel, B. Grammel, H. Lochmann, A. Rummler and A. Spriesterbach (SAP research)
Solving crosscutting concerns – is there something missing in AspectJ?, By U. Hohenstein (Siemens AG, Germany)

12:30-14:00 LUNCH


Technical Paper Session:

Reasoning about Aspects

AJANA: A General Framework for Source-Code-Level Interprocedural Dataflow - Analysis of AspectJ Software, by Xu, Rountev
Reasoning about Aspects With Common Sense, by Ostermann

Technical Paper session

Programming Language Design and Implementation I

StrongAspectJ: Flexible and Safe Pointcut/Advice Bindings, by De Fraine, Sudholt, Jonckers


Industry Paper Session:

AOSD for the Enterprise

Experience of using AOP with SOA and agile process to build an insurance framework, By U. Banerjee, J. Venkatesh, T. Prasad, J. Raju and N. Kanakalata (NIIT Technologies, India)
A tool-based approach to managing crosscutting feature implementations, By I. Groher, C. Krueger and C. Schwanninger (BigLever Software and Siemens AG)
Improving the design of a large Jave EE application with AOP, By T. Pijpops and J. Van Reusel (Cegeka)

15:30-16:00 COFFEE BREAK


Technical Paper Session:

Programming Language Design and Implementation I (ctd)

EJFlow: Taming Exceptional Control Flows in Aspect-Oriented Programming, by Cacho, Filho, Garcia, Figueiredo
Relational Aspects as Tracematches, by Bodden, Shaikh, Hendren
Test-Based Pointcuts for Robust and Fine-Grained Join Point Specification, by Sakurai, Masuhara


Industry Paper Session:

Does AOSD Work? Tales from AOSD-Europe, invited talk

AOSD in Middleware

Architecting JBoss 5 with AOP in the Core, invited talk by Kabir Khan User-friendly aspects with compile-time imperative semantics in .NET, by G. Fraiteur (PostSharp)

Thursday, April 3rd, 2008


Invited Talk by Gul Agha (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) “Time, Chance and Change: Aspects, Middleware and Reflection in Pervasive Cyberspace

10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK

11:00-12:30 AOSD Community News by AOSD Steering Committee

Technical Paper Session:

Paper Session on “Aspects for Adaptation and Variability Support” - "Edicts: Implementing Features with Flexible Binding Times", by Chakravarthy, Regehr, Eide - "Support for Distributed Adaptations in Aspect-Oriented Middleware", by Truyen, Janssens, Sanen, Joosen


Industry Paper Session:

12:30-14:00 LUNCH


Technical Paper Session:

Tool Support

Tool-supported Refactoring of Aspect-oriented Programs, by Wloka, Hirschfeld, Hänsel
Tool Support for Understanding and Diagnosing Pointcut Expressions, by Ye, Volder
View-Based Maintenance of Graphical User Interfaces, by Li, Wohlstadter


Industry Paper Session:

AO languages in Industrial Applications

Aquarium: AOP in Ruby, by D. Wampler (Object Mentor Inc.)
An overview of Mirjam and WeaveC: an industrial-strength aspect-oriented language and weaver for C, by I. Nagy, R. van Engelen and D. van der Ploeg (ASML, The Netherlands)
- An aspect-oriented Cobol for the industrial setting, by T Morioka, H. Danno and H. Shinomi (Hitachi)

15:30-16:00 COFFEE BREAK

16:00-17:30 Panel on The Business Case of AOSD

Friday, April 4th, 2008


Invited Talk by Philip Wadler (University of Edinburgh, UK) Well-Typed Programs Can’t Be Blamed

10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK


Technical Paper Session:

Programming Language Design and Implementation II

Expressive Scoping of Dynamically-Deployed Aspects, by Tanter
Lightweight Virtual Machine Support for AspectJ, by Golbeck, Davis, Naseer, Ostrovsky, Kiczales
Nu: a Dynamic Aspect-Oriented Intermediate Language Model and Virtual Machine for Flexible Runtime Adaptation, by Dyer, Rajan


Industry Paper Session:

12:30-14:00 LUNCH


Panel on “The Future of Aspects



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