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AOSD 2011 - Perspectives on Modularity

The International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is the premier conference on software modularity, with an emphasis on modular structures that cut across traditional abstraction boundaries. The conference offers several tracks, including the Research and Industry Tracks, which bring together leading researchers and practitioners working in such fields as software engineering, programming languages, systems, and others. AOSD welcomes submissions of high quality in all areas relating to aspects, ranging from foundational research to evaluations of aspect-oriented concepts.

The AOSD Conference is also committed to supporting students working in this area via a dedicated Student Rally programme. At the Forum students will obtain extensive feedback to their work, benefit from research events, and receive general academic skills training. All ASOD students are invited to participate in the AOSD Student Rally.

Continuing the tradition of its successful predecessors, the program of AOSD.11 will include:
* A Research Track presenting the newest research results. Papers submitted to this track will undergo a journal-like submission process comprising two phases.
* An Industry Track where architects and developers with experience in aspects gather to learn and teach.
* Workshops for in-depth discussion of advanced topics in industry and research.
* A coordinated educational program to provide foundations for research in the field.
* Demonstrations of leading-edge technologies.

It is important to stress that there are direct flights (without the need to change planes) from Europe (via TAP) and the US (via American Airlines) to Pernambuco. Be careful to book your flights in advance.

Highlights of AOSD 2011

* Journal-like submission process
* Broad view on aspects as any mechanism for advanced modularity
* Special track on Modularity Visions
* Tutorials are back.


Please email any questions to webchair@aosd.net.



Organizing Sponsors




In Cooperation With


Supported by


Research Track Keynote Speaker

Mary Shaw
Carnegie-Mellon University

Modularity Visions Keynote Speaker

David Notkin
University of Washington

Modularity Visions Invited Speakers

Glad Bracha
SAP Labs

Jim Herbsleb
Carnegie Mellon University

André van der Hoek
University of California, Irvine