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Linked on this page you will find archived items from past Aspect-Oriented Software Development conferences. Current conference information is available at http://aosd.net/conference.

AOSD.10 (Rennes and Saint Malo, France, March 15 - 19, 2010)
Conference website
Research Track Proceedings: ACM Digital Library
Industry track website

AOSD.09 (Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, March 2 - 6, 2009)
Conference website
Research Track Proceedings: ACM Digital Library
Industry track website

AOSD.08 (Brussels, Belgium, March 31 - April 4, 2008)
Archived conference website
Research Track Proceedings: ACM Digital Library
Industry track website

AOSD.07 (Vancouver, Canada, March 14 - 16, 2007)
Archived conference website
Research Track Proceedings: ACM Digital Library
Industry track website

AOSD.06 (Bonn, Germany, March 20 - 24, 2006)
Archived conference website
Research Track Proceedings: ACM Digital Library
Industry Track Proceedings: Free Download
Please use the following to cite the Industry Track Proceedings:

Matt Chapman, Alexandre Vasseur, Günter Kniesel (Eds.):
"AOSD 2006 - Industry Track Proceedings". Technical Report
IAI-TR-2006-3, ISSN 0944-8535, Computer Science Department III,
University of Bonn, March 2006.

Industry track website
Keynote: Carliss Baldwin: The Power of Modularity: The Financial Consequences of Computer and Code Architecture
Keynote: Richard P. Gabriel: Design Beyond Human Abilities

AOSD.05 (Chicago, Illinois, March 22 - 26, 2005)
Archived conference website
Proceedings: ACM Digital Library
Keynote: Grady Booch: The Complexity of Programming Models
Keynote: Dave Thomas: Transitioning AOSD from Research Park To Mainstreet
Industry track and slides

AOSD.04 (Lancaster, UK, March 22 - 26, 2004)
Archived conference website
Proceedings: ACM Digital Library
Keynote: Dr. Daniel Sabbah: Aspects - From Promise to Reality
Keynote: Prof. Bashar Nuseibeh: Crosscutting Requirements
Invited Talk: Jonas Bonér: What are the key issues for commercial AOP use - how does AspectWerkz address them?
Industry Paper: Monteiro and Fernandes: Object-to-Aspect Refactorings For Feature Extraction
See the Student Extravaganza page for poster and presentation downloads.

AOSD.03 (Boston, Massachusetts, March 17 - 21, 2003)
Archived conference website
Proceedings: Proceedings ACM Digital Library
Talk: Ivar Jacobson: Use Cases and Aspects - Working Seamlessly Together (PPT)

AOSD.02 (Enschede, The Netherlands, April 22 - 26, 2002)
Archived conference website
Proceedings: ACM Digital Library



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