Student Research Competition
Poster reception will happen on Tuesday, March 22nd at 6:00pm.
Students that make it to the 2nd round, will present on Thursday, March 24th at 10:00am in the Pastoril room
Winners will be announced before Kirk's keynote on Friday, March 25th at 08:30am in the Caboclinhos room
Self-Refining Aspects for Dynamic Program Analysis
- Danilo Ansaloni, Faculty of Informatics, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Revealing Architecturally-Relevant Flaws in Aspectual Decompositions
- Isela Macia Bertran, Opus Research Group, Software Engineering Lab, Informatics Department, PUC Rio, Brazil
Analyzing the Effort on Composing Design Models in Industrial Case Studies
- Kleinner Farias, Opus Research Group, Software Engineering Lab, Informatics Department, PUC Rio, Brazil
Avoiding Confusion with Exception Handling in Aspect-Oriented Programming
- Ismael Figueroa, PLEIAD Laboratory, Computer Science Department, University of Chile, Chile
Towards a proper aspect-oriented model for distributed systems
- Ismael Mejia, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France
On the Proactive Identification of Mistakes on Concern Mapping Tasks
- Camila Nunes, Opus Research Group, Software Engineering Lab, Informatics Department, PUC Rio, Brazil
Exploiting ModAC for more Access Control Policies
- Rodolfo Toledo, Computer Science Department, University of Chile, Chile