Perspectives on Modularity
The International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is the premier conference on software modularity that goes beyond traditional abstraction boundaries. The past series of the conferences have been mainly investigating "the aspects" for 10 years and explored their clear benefits. Furthermore, they have revealed that advanced modularity is the core notion for building modern software systems and hence other new modularization paradigms and techniques are also getting spotlighted today.
AOSD 2011 seeks to foster advanced modularization paradigms and techniques, which are not limited to aspects thus re-emphasizing the original intention to establish AOSD as a conference on advanced separation of concerns and software modularity for extensibility, flexibility, and adaptability.
AOSD 2011 invites high quality papers reporting documented research results emerging from work on new notions of modularity in computer systems, software engineering, programming languages, and other areas. Here, the modularity is not only of code but also across lifecycle artifacts (e.g., from requirements to tests).
A novelty of AOSD 2011 is that authors can submit their papers at either 1st or 2nd round. The two rounds are independent but the accepted papers are presented together at the conference. If the paper is submitted at the 1st round and the review result is "resubmit after revision", the authors can resubmit the revised paper at the 2nd round with a letter to the reviewers. Then the same reviewers will review the revised paper again. AOSD 2011 adopts this procedure for motivating the acceptance of potentially good papers (but that need adjustments) rather than rejecting them straight away.
Research areas and topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Software engineering
- Requirements engineering
- Analysis and design modeling
- Domain engineering
- Software architectures
- Evaluation and metrics
- Modular Reasoning
- Testing and verification
- Interference and composition
- Traceability
- Software development methods
- Process and methodology definition
- Patterns
Programming languages
- Language design
- Compilation and interpretation
- Verification and static program analysis
- Formal languages and calculi
- Execution environments & dynamic weaving
- Dynamic and scripting languages
- Domain-specific languages
Related Paradigms
- Context-orientation
- Model-driven development
- Feature-orientation
- Generative programming
- Software product lines
- Traits
- Meta-programming and reflection
- Contracts and components
- View-based development
Tool support
- Aspect mining
- Evolution and reverse engineering
- Crosscutting program views
- Refactoring
- Distributed/concurrent systems
- Middleware, services, and networking
- Pervasive computing
- Runtime verification
- Performance improvement
Instructions for Authors
Submissions will be carried out electronically via CyberChair. All papers must be submitted in PDF format. Submissions must be no more than 12 pages (including bibliography and any appendices) in standard ACM SIG Proceedings format.
The submission deadline, length limitations and formatting instructions are firm: any submissions that deviate from these will be rejected by the research program chair. Submitted papers must adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy. Each paper should explain its contributions in both general and technical terms, clearly identifying what has been accomplished, explaining why it is significant, and comparing it with previous work. Where appropriate, systems and experimental data should be made available on the web. Authors should strive to make the technical content of their papers understandable to a broad audience.
CyberChair submission URL:
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Are the acceptance criteria different between the two rounds?
No, they are the same. "Resubmit after revision" at the first round means "positive reject". It does not mean that the paper is almost acceptable but a few problems must be fixed, which is a typical reply from journal reviewers. We will notify the author(s) of "resubmit ..." when the paper is clearly not acceptable but the presented work has potential for publication. If the paper has only minor problems, which the author(s) can easily fix, it will be simply accepted since AOSD is not a journal but a conference.
Q2. Is the number of accepted papers bounded for each round?
No. We will accept (potentially) any number of papers if they are good papers.