Travel Tips
Outlets and voltage (110 volts) are the same as in the United States. Small appliances such as hair dryers, irons, razors, etc. can be used in Canada. For those from other countries, adapters are required for electrical appliances. The frequency of electrical current in Canada is 60 Hz.
The time zone in Vancouver is GMT -08:00 (Pacific Standard Time).
Visitors should be advised that the standard tip in most restaurants is 15 to 20 per cent. Tipping of taxi drivers and porters is generally accepted as well.
Vancouver's Weather
Warmed by Pacific Ocean currents and protected by a range of mountains, Vancouver enjoys mild temperatures year-round. From high 70's Fahrenheit (low 20's Celsius) in summer to a mild mid 40's Fahrenheit (0º to 5º Celsius) in winter, the climate is always hospitable. Our winters (as well as springs) are wet, but it rarely snows, except on our local ski hills.
The Weather Network is a good place to find today or tomorrow's forecast.
Traffic Lights
Yes, traffic lights. Vancouver (and all of British Columbia) has these odd flashing green traffic lights, which are pedestrian activated signals. On the major street of the intersection, the signal flashes green until a pedestrian, wishing to cross the street, pushes an activation button. This causes the signal to turn yellow and then red. The signal will not change until a pedestrian causes it to do so. On the minor street of the intersection, there is no light at all. Sometimes there is a stop sign. Cars coming from this street treat the intersection as a stop sign.
Note that flashing green lights in Ontario, Quebec, and other provinces mean something different.
Additional Information
Edited by the AOSD Conference Committee. Send comments to: webmaster