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Important Dates
  - Application deadline: January 27th, 2003

Workshops provide a highly interactive and collaborative setting where people can combine forces to identify, exchange, plan and elaborate emerging ideas, high-quality research, cutting-edge practices and other efforts. The successful workshops at last year’s conference and the numerous past workshops at prominent international conferences show that this productive and collaborative climate is a hallmark of Aspect-Oriented Software Development.

Please note that Monday and Tuesday lunch can be purchased for $20/day on the registration page.  The Monday and Tuesday tutorial days will break down the following way:
        09:00 - 10:30 session
        10:30 - 11:00 coffee break
        11:00 - 12:30 session
        12:30 - 14:00 lunch
        14:00 - 15:30 session
        15:30 - 16:00 coffee break
        16:00 - 17:30 session
Workshop Title Organizers Date
ACP4IS: Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software Eric Eide, Yvonne Coady, David H. Lorenz Monday 17 March
AOM: Aspect-Oriented Modeling with UML Omar Aldawud, Mohamed Kande, Grady Booch, Bill Harrison, Dominik Stein Tuesday 18 March
COMM: Commercialization of AOSD Technology Ron Bodkin, Adrian M Colyer, Juri Memmert, Arno Schmidmeier Tuesday 18 March
Early Aspects 2003: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design Joćo Araśjo, Awais Rashid, Bedir Tekinerdogan, Ana Moreira, Paul Clements Monday 17 March
FOAL: Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages Gary T. Leavens, Curtis Clifton, Iowa State University Monday 17 March
SPLAT: Software engineering Properties of Languages for Aspect Technologies Lodewijk Bergmans, Johan Brichau, Peri Tarr, Erik Ernst
Tuesday 18 March

ACP4IS: Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software

Date: Monday 17 March
  - Eric Eide, University of Utah (
  - Yvonne Coady, University of British Columbia
  - David H. Lorenz, Northeastern University

Aspect-oriented programming, component models, and design patterns are modern and actively evolving techniques for improving the modularization of complex software. In particular, these techniques hold great promise for the development of ``systems infrastructure'' software, e.g., application servers, middleware, virtual machines, compilers, operating systems, and other software that provides general services for higher-level applications. The developers of infrastructure software are faced with increasing demands from application programmers needing higher-level support for application development. Meeting these demands requires careful use of software modularization techniques, since infrastructural concerns are notoriously hard to modularize.

Building on the ACP4IS meeting at AOSD 2002, this workshop aims to provide a highly interactive forum for researchers and developers to discuss the application of and relationships between aspects, components, and patterns within modern infrastructure software. The goal is to put aspects, components, and patterns into a common reference frame and to build connections between the software engineering and systems communities.

AOM: Aspect-Oriented Modeling with UML

Date: Tuesday 18 March
  - Omar Aldawud, Lucent Technologies (
  - Mohamed Kande, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne
  - Grady Booch, Rational
  - Bill Harrison, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
  - Dominik Stein, University of Essen

Many concerns pertaining to software development have a crosscutting impact on a system. Using current technologies, such kinds of concerns are difficult to identify, understand, and modularize at design and implementation time, as they cut across the boundaries of many components of a system. Crosscutting concerns typically include design constraints and features, as well as architectural qualities and system-level properties or behaviors, such as transactions, logging and error recovery, etc.

Aspect-oriented software development (AOSD) is an emerging technology promoting advanced separation of concerns in software engineering. AOSD techniques allow one to modularize crosscutting concerns into separate "aspects" of a system and integrate those aspects with other kinds of modules throughout the software development lifecycle. Aspect-oriented modeling is a critical part of AOSD that focuses on techniques for identifying, analyzing, managing and representing crosscutting concerns in software design and architecture, while filling the gap between aspect-oriented requirements engineering and aspect-oriented programming.

This workshop is dedicated to the definition of aspect-oriented modeling techniques, methods and tools based on UML. Suggested issues are: How can we apply UML artifacts to AOSD? Are the existing notations and modeling techniques of UML sufficient to model aspects, or do we need to extend UML to support AOSD? Is UML the appropriate modeling language on which to base modeling for AOSD? Is UML capable of expressing "Core" components and "Aspectual" components as well as associations linking them together? If we have to extend the UML, are the extension mechanisms provided by UML adequate? What could then be a UML profile for AOSD? Or would it be possible to rely only on a restricted subset of the UML for AOSD? What would this subset be?

COMM: Commercialization of AOSD Technology

Date: Tuesday 18 March
  - Ron Bodkin, New Aspects (
  - Adrian M Colyer, IBM UK
  - Juri Memmert
  - Arno Schmidmeier, Sirius Software GmbH

This workshop will address the development of commercially successful Aspect-Oriented Software Development technology. Topics of interest include value propositions, requirements for adoption (technical, organizational, standards), business cases, business models, strategies, industry lessons, selling, likely customers, and communication mechanisms. The goal is to bring together practitioners, users, consultants, and vendors to discuss the opportunities and challenges in delivering commercial solutions using AOSD. These discussions are intended to improve market opportunities and increase the scale and number of deployments of AOSD. This workshop will also start a conversation about mechanisms for cross-industry discussion and common initiatives to support market awareness and support for AOSD.

The workshop format will consist of structured discussions about topics drawn from position papers. A warm-up discussion will draw together various threads, discuss open issues, and reach conclusions.

Early Aspects 2003: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design

Date: Monday 17 March
  - Joćo Araśjo, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (
  - Awais Rashid, Lancaster University
  - Bedir Tekinerdogan, Bilkent University
  - Ana Moreira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
  - Paul Clements, Software Engineering Institute

This workshop aims to support the cross-fertilization of ideas in requirements engineering, software architecture design and aspect-oriented software development. From a requirements engineering and architecture design perspective, aspects will improve and broaden the understanding of the identification and management of requirements and architecture level concerns. From an aspect-orientation perspective the workshop will provide attendees with a forum for discussing issues that can lead to a better understanding of how aspects can be used to support systematic and rigorous development of software from the very early stages.

The workshop will focus on challenges to defining methodical software development processes for aspects from early on in the software life cycle and explore the potential of proposed methods and techniques to scale up to industrial applications.

FOAL: Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages

Date: Monday 17 March
  - Gary T. Leavens, Iowa State University (
  - Curtis Clifton, Iowa State University

FOAL is a forum for research in foundations of aspect-oriented programming languages. Areas of interest include but are not limited to: semantics of aspect-oriented languages, specification and verification or such languages, type systems, static analysis, theory of testing, theory of aspect composition, theory of aspect translation (compilation) and rewriting, and applications of such theories in practice (such as language design studies). The workshop aims to foster work in foundations, including formal studies, promote the exchange of ideas, and encourage workers in the semantics and formal methods communities to do research in the area of aspect-oriented programming languages.

SPLAT: Software engineering Properties of Languages for Aspect Technologies

Date: Tuesday 18 March
  - Lodewijk Bergmans, University of Twente (
  - Johan Brichau, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  - Peri Tarr, IBM TJ Watson Research Center
  - Erik Ernst, University of Aarhus

This workshop will advance the field of AOSD language design by emphasizing the need to understand the practical consequences of design decisions on the software engineering properties of aspect-oriented software. In particular, it will help language designers understand and evaluate the tradeoffs entailed by aspect language features, and address the need for consistent language design with respect to composability of
language constructs and features.


For additional information, clarifications, questions, or special requirements, please contact the AOSD 2003 Workshop co-chairs: Maja D’Hondt and Jeff Gray (

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