Aspect oriented programming offers support for separating and composing concerns in the implementation phase. This is essential but not sufficient to build complex software systems. Without proper attention to concerns during the design of the system, it will be hard to manage complexity, readability, the evolution and composition of the system. One of the difficulties during the development of software systems is to identify and separate concerns of the system. Some concerns should not be separated (at least, not initially) in the design. The identification of concerns and sorting out which will be encapsulated and which will not, is an important part of designing that leads to the decision of when and how to separate a concern. To date, there has been considerable focus on extending the separation of concerns capabilities of programming techniques. However, less work has been done on design techniques. This workshop on Aspect Oriented Design (AOD) focuses on how we should analyze a problem domain to decide what (and when) concerns are to be encapsulated in the design with respect to architecture and other design issues. There will also be a focus on verifying that the concerns in the design are complete and correct with respect to requirement issues. This workshop is intended to bring together those researchers interested in Aspect Oriented Design and thereby making aspect orientation more mature for development of large complex software systems. URL: http://www.iit.edu/~akkawif/workshops/AOSD2002/AOSD1.html