UML provides several notations to model the static and dynamic behavior of a software system. Separation of concerns is essential for software designers, and those concerns that have a crosscutting impact present many difficulties for software development. Since these difficulties are present throughout the development lifecycle, they must be addressed across its entirety. Once an initial decomposition of the problem identifies software components and the corresponding aspectual properties that cut through these components, we would like to be able to express and model this initial decomposition in a formal way, and carry it to the next phase of the development life cycle. The creation of UML models factored into separated concerns with rules or advice on how they interrelate can be applied even when the software ultimately created is not programmed in separate aspects or concerns. Thus, existing UML tools could be used for aspect oriented software development as well. This workshop is dedicated to applying UML to model Aspect-Oriented Systems and Aspect-Oriented approaches to modeling with UML. Suggested issues are: How can we apply UML artifacts to AOSD? Are existing tools that UML provide sufficient to model based on aspect orientation, or do we need to extend UML to support AOSD? Is UML the appropriate modeling language on which to base modeling for AOSD? Is UML capable of expressing "Core" components and "Aspectual" components as well as associations linking them together? If we have to extend the UML, are the extension mechanisms provided by UML adequate? What could then be a UML profile for AOSD? On the contrary, would it be possible to rely only on a restricted subset of the UML for AOSD? What would be this subset? URL: http://lglwww.epfl.ch/workshops/aosd-uml/cfp.html