WorkshopsIn the past years, research on Aspect-Oriented Software Development has flourished in the setting of numerous workshops under various names, in particular at the ECOOP, OOPSLA and ICSE conferences. At AOSD 2002, the first conference dedicated to aspect-oriented software development, this workshop culture is continued in order to foster the opportunity for participants to share their experience and ideas in the various areas of AOSD. The workshops at AOSD 2002 are intended to enhance the experience of the conference by providing an opportunity to:
A large number of high-quality workshop proposals were submitted. Rather than selecting a subset, we proposed several mergers, to offer attendees a broad scope of topics to be discussed in depth within the context of workshops. The topics cover the entire development life-cycle, from formal foundations of aspect-oriented languages to aspect-oriented requirements engineering, and address the application of aspects in various domains, such as infrastructure software and XML. Accordingly, the conference hosts the following (full-day) workshops on April 22 and 23, preceding the plenary sessions of the conference: Attendance at workshops is by invitation only. Invitations are issued by the workshop organizers, usually on the basis of submitted position papers. Please visit the workshop web pages for information about the workshop topics, organization and submission details. We would like to encourage all AOSD conference attendees to seriously consider attending one or two workshops; because of the highly interactive nature and focused topics this will likely be an inspiring and exciting part of the AOSD 2002 conference. Lodewijk Bergmans |