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Demonstrations and Exhibitions

Important Dates

Demonstration/Exhibition proposal submission: October 11, 2004 (extended to October 30, 2004)
Notification of acceptance: November 8, 2004 (extended to November 22, 2004)
Demonstrations and Exhibitions: To be announced


In 2005, the AOSD conference will offer for the first time an industry track. As part of this track the conference will include exhibitions in addition to the customary demonstrations. Exhibitions are expected to target potential customers from industry, while demonstrations are expected to share technical aspects of research-oriented tools and systems.

Exhibitions present mature products in the field of AOSD. The main criterion of selection for exhibition is relevance for practitioners. Exhibitions will be open to any conference attendee for three 90 minute sessions during the industry track (Thursday and Friday). The exhibitions will be held in the exhibition hall, where every exhibitor will have a booth. Presenters should be prepared to spend time while the exhibition hall is open at their booth explaining their solutions to interested parties.

Exhibitions can present products, like

  • tools that directly support aspect-oriented software development, e.g. AOP compilers or AO reverse engineering tools
  • applications and frameworks that are enhanced with AOSD support, e.g. aspect-enabled application servers
  • libraries that support AOSD

Demonstrations allow AOSD conference attendees to learn about emerging technologies and to interact with the developers of those technologies. For a presenter they offer an excellent opportunity to share the technical aspects of their AOSD tool, system, or project. Demonstrations can range across commercial, academic, and corporate research systems. The demonstrations will be selected on the basis of technical merit, novelty, relevance to the AOSD community, and feasibility of presentation. The presentation should be focused on technical content and given by the technical members of the team. Product marketing is inappropriate in this forum, which differentiates demonstrations from exhibitions.

Every demonstration will be scheduled twice. A demonstration is allocated 45 minutes, with 35 minutes for a presentation and 10 minutes for questions and discussion.

There will also be projectors and space set aside where any conference attendee can give an informal demonstration. A sign-up sheet will be available for scheduling informal demonstrations during the conference.

Demos of interest include (though are not limited to):

  • support for application of the aspect-oriented paradigm throughout the development lifecycle
  • new technologies for aspect weaving/compilation
  • reverse engineering of aspects from existing software artifacts

Please indicate on your submission whether you want to present your technology in demonstration or exhibition format or both.

Submission Guidelines

The following information is required for a demonstration/exhibition submission:

  1. Demonstration/Exhibition title
  2. Name, email, address, and phone number of the contact person
  3. Names and affiliations of the other presenters
  4. Description including
    • Problems addressed
    • Relevance to AOSD
    • Uniqueness of design and implementation
    • Underlying implementation techniques and technologies used
    • Relation to other industrial or research efforts
    • Relevancy for practitioners
    • Indication if demonstration or exhibition format is preferred and why
    • A description of what the audience will see
  5. A 200 word abstract for advertising the demonstration/exhibition on the conference web site
  6. Hardware and presentation requirements

Proposals for demonstrations/exhibitions should not exceed four pages in either ASCII (plain or HTML), Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), PostScript (PS) or MS Word format. Proposals should be sent (by email) to Christa Schwanninger at no later than October 11, 2004.


For additional information, clarifications, questions, or special requirements, please contact the AOSD.05 Demonstrations Chair: Christa Schwanninger

Edited by the AOSD Conference Committee.  Send comments to: