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Industry track

Invited Talk: AspectWerkz 2 and the road to AspectJ 5

Wednesday, March 16, 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Jonas Bonér, BEA Systems, AspectWerkz founder and AspectJ 5 co-lead


This talk gives an overview of AspectWerkz 2. In it, we describe how AspectWerkz 2 has been designed to meet the requirements of enterprise application development in terms of integration, dynamicity, performance and ease of use. Each of these requirements will be discussed, considering the benefits, drawbacks and challenges.

In the light of the recent merger between AspectWerkz and AspectJ, special attention will be given to the features which are being brought to the AspectJ 5 platform, as well as discussing why some are not being brought in, and how some are being redesigned.

The talk will also cover the concept of AspectWerkz's extensible aspect container, which allows multiple 'aspect models' (like AspectWerkz, AspectJ, Spring aspects etc.) to co-exist in the same execution environment with consistent semantics, as well its support for pluggable weaving strategies.

Click here for the slides: AW2_AOSD.05.ppt

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