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Industry track

Invited Talk: AOP with C++

Friday, March 18, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Olaf Spinczyk, Assistant Professor, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany


The C++ programming language still dominates commercial software development in many application domains. Although mature AOP solutions for C++ would be desirable, most professional AOP tools only support aspect weaving in Java code. Does the complexity of the C++ language spoil the party? Could language-independent AOP tools do the job? Or is C++ simply powerful enough to support AOP without additional tools?

Olaf Spinczyk will address these questions and present the conclusions, which motivate the AspectC++ project. AspectC++ is an AspectJ-like AOP extension for C++. The AspectC++ development tools are aimed to bring fully-fledged AOP support into the C++ world. The talk will briefly introduce the AspectC++ language and development tools. It will also discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the current aspect weaver implementation based on real-world examples from industry and academia.

Click here for the slides: AspectCpp-talk.ppt

Edited by the AOSD Conference Committee.  Send comments to: