Special Sessions
SPL SymposiumThursday 28th March 2013, 14:00-15:30, 16:00-18:00
Organizor: Tomoji Kishi
In developing SPL (Software Product Lines), variability among products must be appropriately handled, and this makes significant impacts on modularity issues. In this symposium, we discuss technical / managerial issues relate to SPL. We will have some invited presentations and discussions on issues raised by the presentations.
Session 1: Vision
- How can we apply software product lines to high-performance computing?
Session 2: Techniques
- Implications of Fault-Prone Module Prediction Studies to Reactive Software Product Line Development
- Software Product Line Verification
- Extracting traceability links between requirements and implementations from different versions of software
Session 3: Scale
- Variability Extraction from Legacy Systems
- Sustainable Variability Management of IT systems in data-intensive domains
Session 4: Transition
- Architecture Migration in Large-Scale Embedded Software Project
- Company-Wide Adoption of SPL in Fujitsu Kyushu Network Technologies Ltd.
- Soft Landing on Software Product Line through Derivative Development
mruby TutorialFriday 29th March 2013 by Kazuaki Tanaka (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
mruby is a new branch of the Ruby programming language. It is a Ruby implementation that can be embedded in small devices, TV, phones, ... So it has a very small footprint and can be compiled and linked with another application software. This tutorial presents overviews of the mruby project, which is lead by Matz, the Ruby creator himself, and various activities around the project.