Research Track

AOSD is the premier conference on software modularity, with an emphasis on novel notions of modularity that crosscut traditional abstraction boundaries. The AOSD research track brings together leading researchers and practitioners working in the fields of software engineering, programming languages, and software systems. This page lists the papers to be presented in that research track at the 7th edition of AOSD, in 2008. A total of 79 papers were submitted, and 340 in-depth technical reviews were produced to rank the papers according to quality; the majority of papers received four reviews, many of the strong contenders received five reviews or more. Authors had an opportunity to respond to reviews, and this helped clear up some misunderstandings. The research program committee met in Darmstadt to make the final selection of 17 papers. The program reflects how AOSD brings together different communities around the theme of crosscutting concerns:

  • Several papers investigate the benefits of combining aspects and generative programming for test case instantiation, program evolution, and modular compiler design.
  • Another group of papers is about using static analysis and knowledge representation techniques for reasoning about aspects and aspect-based modularity.
  • AOSD always has strong input from the programming language community and this year is no exception with two sessions dedicated to this theme. Contributions in this category range from addressing static typing issues, to design of new language features, as well implementation platforms for aspect-oriented languages.
  • Tool support is also a continuous theme of AOSD.
  • Finally, the program includes presentations of interesting applications of aspect techniques to support adaptation and variability.

I would like to thank all members of the research program committee for their efforts, and also all the co-reviewers who generously shared their expertise during the evaluation process. Richard van de Stadt of Borbala Online Conference Services provided superb support for the use of the CyberChair system, going far beyond the call of duty. Gudrun Jörs and Thorsten Schäfer assisted with all the secretarial aspects of the paper selection process, including the organisation of the PC meeting, as did many other members of the Software Technology team of Darmstadt University of Technology.

-Mira Mezini, Program Chair AOSD08

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008


Invited Talk by Daniel Wiese (Siemens)

Large Scale Application for AOP in the Health Care Domain: A Case Study

10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK


Aspects and Generative Programming

Aspect Oriented Test Case Instantiation, by Benz

Program, Enhance Thyself! Demand-Driven Pattern-Oriented Program Enhancement, by Tilevich, Back

Modularity First: A Case for Mixing AOP and Attribute Grammars, by Avgustinov, Ekman, Tibble

12:30-14:00 LUNCH


Reasoning about Aspects

AJANA: A General Framework for Source-Code-Level Interprocedural Dataflow - Analysis of AspectJ Software, by Xu, Rountev

Reasoning about Aspects With Common Sense, by Ostermann.

Programming Language Design and Implementation I

StrongAspectJ: Flexible and Safe Pointcut/Advice Bindings, by De Fraine, Sudholt, Jonckers

15:30-16:00 COFFEE BREAK


Programming Language Design and Implementation I (ctd)

EJFlow: Taming Exceptional Control Flows in Aspect-Oriented Programming, by Cacho, Filho, Garcia, Figueiredo

Relational Aspects as Tracematches, by Bodden, Shaikh, Hendren

Test-Based Pointcuts for Robust and Fine-Grained Join Point Specification, by Sakurai, Masuhara

Thursday, April 3rd, 2008


Invited Talk by Gul Agha (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

Time, Chance and Change: Aspects, Middleware and Reflection in Pervasive Cyberspace

10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK

11:00-11:30 AOSD Community News by AOSA Steering Committee


Aspects for Adaptation and Variability Support

Edicts: Implementing Features with Flexible Binding Times, by Chakravarthy, Regehr, Eide

Support for Distributed Adaptations in Aspect-Oriented Middleware, by Truyen, Janssens, Sanen, Joosen


Tool Support

Tool-supported Refactoring of Aspect-oriented Programs, by Wloka, Hirschfeld, Hänsel

Tool Support for Understanding and Diagnosing Pointcut Expressions, by Ye, Volder

View-Based Maintenance of Graphical User Interfaces, by Li, Wohlstadter

15:30-16:00 COFFEE BREAK

16:00-17:30 Panel on The Business Case of AOSD

Friday, April 4th, 2008


Invited Talk by Philip Wadler (University of Edinburgh, UK)

Well-Typed Programs Can’t Be Blamed

10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK


Programming Language Design and Implementation II

Expressive Scoping of Dynamically-Deployed Aspects, by Tanter

Lightweight Virtual Machine Support for AspectJ, by Golbeck, Davis, Naseer, Ostrovsky, Kiczales

Nu: a Dynamic Aspect-Oriented Intermediate Language Model and Virtual Machine for Flexible Runtime Adaptation, by Dyer, Rajan

12:30-14:00 LUNCH


Panel on “Aspects in the Future




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