AOSD is the premier conference on software modularity, with an emphasis on
novel notions of modularity that crosscut traditional abstraction
boundaries. The AOSD research track brings together leading researchers and
practitioners working in the fields of software engineering, programming
languages, and software systems. This page lists the papers to be presented
in that research track at the 7th edition of AOSD, in 2008. A total of 79
papers were submitted, and 340 in-depth technical reviews were produced to
rank the papers according to quality; the majority of papers received four
reviews, many of the strong contenders received five reviews or more.
Authors had an opportunity to respond to reviews, and this helped clear up
some misunderstandings. The research program committee met in Darmstadt to
make the final selection of 17 papers. The program reflects how AOSD brings
together different communities around the theme of crosscutting concerns:
Several papers investigate the benefits of combining aspects and generative programming for test case instantiation, program evolution, and modular compiler design.
Another group of papers is about using static analysis and knowledge representation techniques for reasoning about aspects and aspect-based modularity.
AOSD always has strong input from the programming language community and this year is no exception with two sessions dedicated to this theme. Contributions in this category range from addressing static typing issues, to design of new language features, as well implementation platforms for aspect-oriented languages.
Tool support is also a continuous theme of AOSD.
Finally, the program includes presentations of interesting applications of aspect techniques to support adaptation and variability.
I would like to thank all members of the research program committee for
their efforts, and also all the co-reviewers who generously shared their
expertise during the evaluation process. Richard van de Stadt of Borbala
Online Conference Services provided superb support for the use of the
CyberChair system, going far beyond the call of duty. Gudrun Jörs and
Thorsten Schäfer assisted with all the secretarial aspects of the paper
selection process, including the organisation of the PC meeting, as did many
other members of the Software Technology team of Darmstadt University of
Large Scale Application for AOP in the Health Care Domain: A Case Study
10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK
Aspects and Generative Programming
Aspect Oriented Test Case Instantiation, by Benz
Test case instantiation is the transformation of abstract test cases into executable test scripts. Abstract test cases are either the result of model based test case generation or are manually defined in a suitable modeling notation. The transformation varies depending on different testing concerns, such as test goal, test setup and test phase. Thus, for each testing concern a new transformation must be defined. This paper introduces AspectT, an aspect-oriented language for the instantiation of abstract test cases. We reduce the effort of test case instantiation by modularizing testing concerns in the form of aspects to enable their reuse in different testing contexts. The approach is implemented and integrated in an existing testing framework and has been successfully applied to test an electronic control unit of an automotive infotainment system at BMW Group.
Program, Enhance Thyself! Demand-Driven Pattern-Oriented Program Enhancement, by Tilevich, Back
Program enhancement refers to adding new functionality to an
existing program. We argue that repetitive program enhancement
tasks can be expressed as patterns, and that the application of
such enhancement patterns can be automated. This paper presents
a novel approach to pattern-oriented automated enhancement of
object-oriented programs. Our approach augments the capabilities
of an aspect compiler to capture the programmer’s intent to enhance
a program. In response to the programmer referencing a piece of
functionality that is non-existent, our approach automatically synthesizes
aspect code to supply the required functionality transparently.
To improve flexibility and facilitate reuse, the synthesis and
application of the new functionality is guided by declarative when-then
rules, concisely expressed using a rule base.
Our extensible automated program enhancement system, called
DRIVEL, extends the AspectJ compiler with aspect generating capabilities.
The generation is controlled using the DROOLS rules engine. To validate our
approach and automated tool, we have created a collection of enhancement
libraries and used DRIVEL to apply them to the LibX Edition Builder, a
large-scale, widely-used Web application. DRIVEL automatically enhanced the
LibX Edition Builder’s XML processing modules with structural navigation
capabilities and caching, eliminating the need to implement this
functionality by hand.
Modularity First: A Case for Mixing AOP and Attribute Grammars, by Avgustinov, Ekman, Tibble
We have reimplemented the frontend of the extensible AspectBench
Compiler for AspectJ, using the aspect-oriented meta-compiler
JastAdd. The original frontend was purely object-oriented. Each
frontend extends Java with AspectJ and an additional set of pointcuts
in a modular fashion. In this paper we give a detailed comparison of
both approaches and show a number of advantages of using JastAdd: the
implementation is half the size, twice as fast, concerns are better
localised, extensions are composable, and computations are
automatically scheduled.
JastAdd provides a very constrained form of static AOP where only
inter-type declarations and method execution interception are
supported. However, additional modularisation mechanisms from the
compiler construction community are supported in the form of
demand-driven evaluation and attribute grammars. Our implementation
would not have benefited from a richer pointcut language, while both
demand-drive evaluation and declarative attributes were essential in
enabling composable extensions and flexible modularisation.
We believe that the AOP community at large can benefit from
acknowledging demand-driven evaluation as an important modularisation
mechanism. Also, reference attribute grammars enhance the extensible
implementation of graph-based computations that rely on
context-sensitive information.
12:30-14:00 LUNCH
Reasoning about Aspects
AJANA: A General Framework for Source-Code-Level Interprocedural Dataflow - Analysis of AspectJ Software, by Xu, Rountev
Aspect-oriented software presents new challenges for the designers
of static analyses. Our work aims to establish systematic foundations
for dataflow analysis of AspectJ software. We propose a
control- and data-flow program representation for AspectJ programs,
as basis for subsequent interprocedural dataflow analyses.
The representation is built at the source code level and captures
the semantic intricacies of various pointcut designators, multiple
applicable advices per joint point, dynamic advices, and general
flow of data to, from, and between advices. We also propose two
dataflow analyses for AspectJ software: (1) a novel object effect
analysis based on a flow- and context-sensitive must-alias analysis,
and (2) a dependence analysis used for constructing the system
dependence graph for slicing, refactoring, change impact analysis,
etc. Both analyses are representative of a general category of
dataflow analyses referred to as interprocedural distributed environment
(IDE) problems. The two analyses are built on top of the
proposed representation, and take into account the complex flow
of control and data due to aspect-oriented features. We present a
study of the proposed techniques on 37 program versions, using
our AJANA analysis framework which is based on the abc AspectJ
compiler. The results show that the representation can be built efficiently,
that it is superior to an approach based on the woven bytecode,
and that it enables analyses that are both faster and more precise.
These findings strongly indicate that the proposed approach is
a promising candidate for a foundation upon which various interprocedural
analyses for AspectJ can be designed and built.
Reasoning about Aspects With Common Sense, by Ostermann.
There has been a lot of debate about the modularity of aspect-oriented
programs, and in particular the ability
to reason about such programs in a modular way, although it has never been
defined precisely what modular reasoning means. This work analyzes what it
means to reason about a program, and separates ``modular reasoning'' into
several well-defined properties of a reasoning model.
A comparison of an OO language semantics with an AO language semantics with
respect to these properties reveals that explanations of AOP that are based on
weaving are a major obstacle to reasoning about AO programs in a modular way.
We argue that a more modular semantics that is easier to reason about can be
given to AO programs if we renounce the monotonicity of the corresponding
reasoning system - a sacrifice that is well-known in artificial intelligence
to model ``common sense'' reasoning. More generally, we claim that AOP should
be understood as a form of nonmonotonic knowledge representation.
Programming Language Design and Implementation I
StrongAspectJ: Flexible and Safe Pointcut/Advice Bindings, by De Fraine,
Sudholt, Jonckers
AspectJ was designed as a seamless aspect-oriented extension of the Java
programming language. However, unlike Java, AspectJ does not have a safe
type system: an accepted binding between a pointcut and an advice can give
rise to type errors at runtime. In addition, AspectJ's typing rules severely
restrict the definition of certain generic advice behavior.
In this paper, we analyze the roots of these type errors, and describe
measures to recover type safety for both generic and non-generic
pointcut/advice declarations. Pointcuts quantify over heterogeneous sets of
join points and are hence typed using type ranges in our approach, while
type variables and a dual advice signature allow to express the generic and
invasive nature of advices. Using these mechanisms, we can express advice
that augments, narrows or replaces base functionality in possibly generic
As a language engineering contribution, we integrate our proposal with the
AspectJ language, and we provide a prototype implementation as a plugin for
the AspectBench Compiler (abc). On a theoretical level, we present a formal
definition of the proposed constructs and typing rules, and develop proofs
for their type safety properties.
15:30-16:00 COFFEE BREAK
Programming Language Design and Implementation I (ctd)
EJFlow: Taming Exceptional Control Flows in Aspect-Oriented Programming, by
Cacho, Filho, Garcia, Figueiredo
Many of the problems that stem from the use of exception handling are caused
by the local way in which exceptions are handled. It demands that developers
understand the source of an exception, the place where it is handled, and
everything in between. As a consequence, exceptions easily get "out of
control" and, as system development progresses, exceptional control flows
become less well-understood, with potentially negative consequences for the
program maintainability and reliability. This paper presents an innovative
aspect-oriented model for exception handling implementation. In contrast to
other exception handling mechanisms, our model provides abstractions to
explicitly describe global views of exceptional control flows. As a result,
this new model makes it possible to understand exception flows from an
end-to-end perspective by looking at a single part of the program. Also, it
leverages existing pointcut languages to make the association of handlers with
normal code more flexible. The implementation of our proposed model, called
EJFlow, extends the AspectJ programming language with the aim of promoting
enhanced robustness and program modularization. We evaluate qualitatively and
quantitatively the proposed exception handling model through a case study
targeting a real mobile application.
Relational Aspects as Tracematches, by Bodden, Shaikh, Hendren
The relationships between objects in an object-oriented program are an
essential property of the program's design and implementation. Two
previous approaches to implement relationships with aspects were
association aspects, an AspectJ-based language extension, and the
relationship aspects library. While those approaches greatly ease
software development, we believe that they are not general enough. For
instance, the library approach only works for binary relationships, while
the language extension does not allow for the association of primitive
values or values from non-weavable classes.
Hence, in this work we propose a generalized alternative implementation
via a direct reduction to tracematches, a language feature for executing
an advice after having matched a sequence of events.
This new implementation scheme yields multiple benefits. Firstly, our
implementation is more general than existing ones, avoiding most
previous limitations. It also yields a new language construct,
relational tracematches.
We provide an efficient implementation based on the AspectBench
Compiler, along with test cases and microbenchmarks. Our empirical
studies showed that our implementation, when compared to previous
approaches, uses a similar memory footprint with no leaking, but the
generality of our approach does lead to some runtime overhead. We
believe that our implementation can provide a solid foundation for
future research.
Test-Based Pointcuts for Robust and Fine-Grained Join Point Specification, by
Sakurai, Masuhara
We propose test-based pointcuts, a novel pointcut mechanism for AspectJ-like
aspect-oriented programming languages. The idea behind the test-based
pointcuts is to specify join points through unit test cases associated with
the target program. The test-based pointcuts improve robustness and precision
of pointcut languages. The test-based pointcuts are more robust against
software evolution because they do not directly rely on identifier names in a
target program. The test-based pointcuts are more precise because they can
distinguish fine grained execution histories including conditional branches by
comparing the runtime execution histories with recorded for ones of the unit
test cases. This paper presents design and implementation of the test-based
pointcuts as an extension of an AspectJ compiler. We evaluated robustness and
runtime efficiency of test-based pointcuts through case studies that applied
test-based pointcuts to several versions of practical application programs.
Thursday, April 3rd, 2008
Invited Talk by Gul Agha
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Time, Chance and Change: Aspects, Middleware and Reflection
in Pervasive Cyberspace
10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK
11:00-11:30AOSD Community News
by AOSA Steering Committee
Aspects for Adaptation and Variability Support
Edicts: Implementing Features with Flexible Binding Times, by Chakravarthy,
Regehr, Eide
In a software product line, the binding time of a feature is the time at which
one decides to include or exclude a feature from a software product. Typical
binding site implementations are intended to support a single binding time
only, e.g., compile time or run time. Sometimes, however, a product line must
support features with variable binding times. For instance, a product line
may need to include both embedded system configurations, in which features are
selected and optimized early, and desktop configurations, where clients choose
features on demand.
We present a new technique for implementing the binding sites of features that
require flexible binding times. Our technique combines design patterns and
aspect-oriented programming: a pattern encapsulates the variation point, and
targeted aspects---called edicts---set the binding times of the pattern
participants. We describe our approach and demonstrate its usefulness by
creating a middleware product line capable of serving the desktop and embedded
domains. Our product line is based on JacORB, which has many dynamically
configurable features. Using edicts to select features at compile time, we
create a version of JacORB more suited to resource-constrained environments.
By configuring four JacORB subsystems via edicts, we achieve a 32.2% reduction
in code size.
Support for Distributed Adaptations in Aspect-Oriented Middleware, by Truyen,
Janssens, Sanen, Joosen
Many aspect-oriented middleware platforms support run-time aspect
weaving, but do not support coordinating distributed changes to a
set of aspects at run-time. A distributed change entails weaving
or unweaving multiple inter-dependent aspects that are logically
or physically distributed. Coordinating such multiple weavings
inside the application layer is a complex and difficult task for
the application developer, because global state consistency,
structural integrity and other safety properties have to be
preserved. In this paper, we present the DyReS framework that
offers the required coordination support on top of existing
aspect-oriented middleware platforms. The framework is
customizable towards application-specific requirements to achieve
improved performance and reconfiguration semantics. We have
validated our approach by delivering and examining two
implementations of the DyReS framework: one on top of JBoss AOP
and a second one for Spring AOP.
Tool Support
Tool-supported Refactoring of Aspect-oriented Programs, by Wloka, Hirschfeld, Hänsel
Aspect-oriented programming languages provide new composition mechanisms for
improving the modularity of crosscutting concerns. Implementations of such
language support use advanced program representations, like abstract syntax
trees or stack traces, to enable an indirect specification (pointcut) of
executions of program elements at which aspect code (advice) is invoked.
During the evolution of a program, this representations will change and,
hence, advice may not be executed as intended by the developer.
In this paper we present a tool-supported refactoring approach that addresses
this evolution problem by automating the detection of change effects on
pointcuts and the generation of pointcut updates. A new model for decomposing
pointcuts into simpler expressions is used as the base for deriving the change
impact on pointcuts. Based on this model, we show how program analysis can
detect affected or even broken pointcuts, how suitable pointcut adjustments
can be derived, and when developer feedback is unavoidable.
Tool Support for Understanding and Diagnosing Pointcut Expressions, by Ye, Volder
In this paper, we present algorithms that compute two kinds of information
that can help AspectJ developers diagnose and fix potential problems with
their pointcuts. First, we present an algorithm to compute almost matched
joinpoints. Second, we present algorithms to compute explanations of why
a pointcut does not match (or does match) a specific joinpoint. We
implemented two tools using these algorithms. The first is an offline tool that analyzes
a code base and produces a comprehensive report about the pointcuts in the
Using this tool, we were able to find several real problems in existing,
medium-sized AspectJ code bases. The second tool is an Eclipse plug-in called
PointcutDoctor. PointcutDoctor is a natural extension of AJDT that provides
developers easy access to the same information from within their already
familiar development environment.
View-Based Maintenance of Graphical User Interfaces, by Li, Wohlstadter
One difficulty in software maintenance is that the relationship between
observed program behavior and source code is not always clear. In this paper
we are concerned specifically with the maintenance of graphical user
interfaces (GUIs). User interface code can crosscut the decomposition of
applications making GUIs hard to maintain. A popular approach to develop and
maintain GUIs is to use "What you see is what you get" editors. They allow
developers to work directly with a graphical design view instead of scattered
source elements. Unfortunately GUI editors are limited by their ability to
statically reconstruct dynamic collaborations between objects. In this paper
we investigate the combination of a hybrid dynamic and static approach to
allow for view-based maintenance of GUIs. Dynamic analysis reconstructs object
relationships, providing a concrete context in which maintenance can be
performed. Static checking restricts that only changes in the design view
which can meaningfully be translated back to source are allowed. We
implemented a prototype IDE plug-in and evaluate our approach by applying it
to five open source projects.
15:30-16:00 COFFEE BREAK
16:00-17:30 Panel on The Business Case of AOSD
Friday, April 4th, 2008
Invited Talk by Philip Wadler (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Well-Typed Programs Can’t Be Blamed
10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK
Programming Language Design and Implementation II
Expressive Scoping of Dynamically-Deployed Aspects, by Tanter
Several aspect languages and frameworks have recognized the need for dynamic
deployment of aspects. However, they do not provide sufficiently expressive
means to precisely specify the scope of deployed aspects. As a result,
programmers have to resort to unnecessarily complex pointcut definitions that
hinder the reuse potential of aspects. To address the issue of precise and
expressive scoping of aspects at deployment time, we propose deployment
strategies for parameterized dynamic aspect deployment. This novel mechanism
gives full control over the propagation of the aspect on the call stack and
within created objects or functions, and permits a deployment-specific
refinement of its pointcuts. We discuss and illustrate the gain in
expressiveness, and provide the operational semantics of deployment strategies
with Scheme interpreters, for both functional and object-oriented based aspect
Lightweight Virtual Machine Support for AspectJ, by Golbeck, Davis, Naseer, Ostrovsky, Kiczales
Advice weaving can be efficiently supported with only lightweight
enhancements to existing Virtual Machines. Performing weaving at the
Java byte code (JBC) level while preserving appropriate meta-data
enables the VM to understand the AspectJ-specific semantics of the
code and optimize it. This allows the overhead of advice weaving and
performing non-local advice dispatch optimization to occur prior to
runtime. It also allows the VM to perform optimizations that are
unavailable to a byte code level weaver.
An experimental implementation shows that this approach can take
advantage of previously known macro optimizations of expensive
constructs, including cflow, as well as micro optimizations including
those based on improved type analysis unavailable to JBC-based advice
dispatch. A thorough benchmark evaluation confirms that the use of
this architecture does not result in runtime performance overhead and
benefits from the implemented optimizations.
Nu: a Dynamic Aspect-Oriented Intermediate Language Model and Virtual Machine for Flexible Runtime Adaptation, by Dyer, Rajan
A variety of dynamic aspect-oriented language constructs are proposed in
recent literature with corresponding, compelling use cases. Such constructs
demonstrate the need to dynamically adapt the set of join points intercepted
at a fine-grained level. The notion of morphing aspects and continuous weaving
is motivated by this need. We propose an intermediate language model called
Nu, that extends object-oriented intermediate language models with two
fine-grained deployment primitives: bind and remove. These primitives offer a
higher level of abstraction as a compilation target for dynamic
aspect-oriented language constructs, thereby making it easier to support such
We present the design and implementation of the Nu model in the Sun Hotspot
VM, an industrial strength virtual machine, which serves to show the
feasibility of the intermediate language design. Our implementation uses
dedicated caching mechanisms to significantly reduce the amortized costs of
join point dispatch. Our evaluation shows that the cost of supporting a
dynamic deployment model can be reduced to as little as ~1.5%. We demonstrate
the potential utility of the intermediate language design by expressing a
variety of aspect-oriented source language constructs of dynamic flavor such
as CaeserJ's deploy, history-based pointcuts, and control flow constructs in
terms of the Nu model.