The AOSD tutorial program covers the state of the art in aspect-oriented software development and aspect-oriented programming, with topics of interest to both beginning and advanced participants. This year’s tutorials include introductions to leading aspect-oriented languages; presentations on relations between aspects and metaobject protocols; aspects in the early stages of requirement analysis; and the use of aspects for plugin development in the Eclipse platform. Whatever your interest and level of experience, there are tutorials for you!
If you have any questions about the tutorial program, please contact the AOSD.08 Tutorial Chair at tutorialsaosd.net
Monday, March 31, 2008
Morning 09:00 - 12h30
T1: Aspect-Oriented Design in Java/AspectJ
Dean Wampler
Afternoon 14:00 - 17h30
T3: CLOS: Generic Functions and Metaobject Protocol
Pascal Costanza
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Morning 09:00 - 12h30
T4: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering With Scenarios
Gunter Mussbacher, Joao Araujo, Ana Moreira, Jon Whittle
T2: Canceled:Aspect-Oriented Design in Ruby
Dean Wampler
T5: Canceled: Applying Aspectual Components to Eclipse with ObjectTeams/Java and OSGi
Stephan Herrmann, Marco Mosconi