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AOSD 2012

AOSD'12 Companion






Compilation Author Index

AOSD 2012 Companion Table of Contents

MODULARITY: aosd.12–Chairs’ Welcome 
Robert Hirschfeld, Eric Tanter, Richard P. Gabriel, Michael Haupt, & Kevin Sullivan

MODULARITY: aosd.12-Organization 

MODULARITY: aosd.12-Sponsor & Supporters 

AOSD 2012 Companion Author Index

Keynote Address 1
Session Chair: Richard P. Gabriel (IBM Research)

What to Do When Things Go Wrong: Recovery in Complex (Computer) Systems  (Page 1)
Martin Rinard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Keynote Address 2
Session Chair: Kevin Sullivan (University of Virginia)

Objects of the People, By the People, and For the People  (Page 3)
James O. Coplien (Gertrud & Cope)

Keynote Address 3
Session Chair: Michael Haupt (Oracle Labs)

Aspects as Latent Topics  (Page 5)
Cristina Videira Lopes (University of California, Irvine)

Keynote Address 4
Session Chair: Éric Tanter (Universidad de Chile)

Implementing Language-Based Virtual Machines  (Page 7)
Lars Bak (Google, Inc.)


A Unified Formal Model for Service Oriented Architecture to Enforce Security Contracts  (Page 9)
Diana Allam (Ecole des Mines de Nantes)

Compositional Verification of Events and Aspects  (Page 11)
Cynthia Disenfeld (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)

Membranes for AOP: From Vision to Practice  (Page 13)
Ismael Figueroa (University of Chile)

An Aspect-Oriented Framework for Development of Dynamic Content  (Page 15)
Kohei Nagashima (Keio University)

Tearing Down the Multicore Barrier for Web Applications  (Page 17)
Jens Nicolay (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Adding High-Level Concurrency to EScala  (Page 19)
Jurgen M. Van Ham (École des Mines de Nantes & Technische Universität Darmstadt)

A Scalable and Accurate Approach Based on Count Matrix for Detecting Code Clones  (Page 21)
Yang Yuan (Peking University)


Emergo: A Tool for Improving Maintainability of Preprocessor-based Product Lines  (Page 23)
Márcio Ribeiro (Federal University of Pernambuco & Federal University of Alagoas)
Társis Tolêdo (Federal University of Pernambuco)
Johnni Winther (Aarhus University)
Claus Brabrand (Federal University of Pernambuco & IT University of Copenhagen)
Paulo Borba (Federal University of Pernambuco)

Experiments with the LARA Aspect-Oriented Approach  (Page 27)
José G. F. Coutinho (Imperial College London)
Tiago Carvalho (Universidade do Porto)
Sérgio Durand (Universidade do Porto)
João M. P. Cardoso (Universidade do Porto)
Ricardo Nobre (INESC-ID)
Pedro C. Diniz (INESC-ID)
Wayne Luk (Imperial College London)

PHANtom: An Aspect Language for Pharo Smalltalk  (Page 31)
Johan Fabry (University of Chile)